Dear Valerie
Lucky you, how lovely to be invited to an evening of swing. I can recall spending some very heady nights with a quartet from Loch Lomond (The Rat McPack). I was usually partnered with Shorty George for the toss-out, and there was always a ring of eager onlookers admiring my Shim Sham. But, very sadly, my swinging days came to an end some time ago; my knees couldn't take the pace.
I can tell from your letter that you are a little apprehensive about the evening, but even if you are new to the swing scene, it is relatively easy to master the basic moves. Ask someone with experience to show you the shadow position; this is where both partners face the same direction, with one placing themselves squarely behind the other. Then simply follow your partner’s lead, although remember he will be giving you non-verbal directions – you’ll soon get the gist when you are conjoined.
So you see, there is no need to fret, all you really require is plenty of enthusiasm and a little natural rhythm - just relax, let yourself go, and enjoy as many partners as possible. And remember to have heaps of Aloe Vera handy the next morning; you’re guaranteed to wake up with achy bits!
Yours, Eunice
Lucky you, how lovely to be invited to an evening of swing. I can recall spending some very heady nights with a quartet from Loch Lomond (The Rat McPack). I was usually partnered with Shorty George for the toss-out, and there was always a ring of eager onlookers admiring my Shim Sham. But, very sadly, my swinging days came to an end some time ago; my knees couldn't take the pace.
I can tell from your letter that you are a little apprehensive about the evening, but even if you are new to the swing scene, it is relatively easy to master the basic moves. Ask someone with experience to show you the shadow position; this is where both partners face the same direction, with one placing themselves squarely behind the other. Then simply follow your partner’s lead, although remember he will be giving you non-verbal directions – you’ll soon get the gist when you are conjoined.
So you see, there is no need to fret, all you really require is plenty of enthusiasm and a little natural rhythm - just relax, let yourself go, and enjoy as many partners as possible. And remember to have heaps of Aloe Vera handy the next morning; you’re guaranteed to wake up with achy bits!
Yours, Eunice