Mum was in the kitchen flicking through the Next Directory and listening to her Human League playlist. She looked very nice; she'd done something different with her hair and she had a smart red jacket on that I hadn't seen before. It was great that she always managed to look good even though she never had any money to spend on herself. I asked her what was for tea but she said she'd been too busy to go shopping. Just as well, really, my stomach was still churning. I've no idea what had caused it to react in such an explosive way. Nerves, perhaps – it was the auditions tomorrow, after all. I’m sure John Travolta suffered much the same way before he had to kiss Olivia Newton John. I tweeted Katy Perry to see if she had any suggestions for combating nerves. She hadn’t replied to any of my last 387 tweets but this could finally be the one!
I asked Mum if, when she did go to the shops, she could get me some more of the fizzy yoghurt I'd had last week. I'd never had anything like it before; it was really tangy and zingy. She looked confused and said she hadn't bought any yoghurt for months. Crafty Mum! No wonder I'd found it hidden away right at the back of the fridge - she wanted it all for herself! I gave her a knowing smile and went to change into my green jumper with the leather elbow patches, to get me into a Greased Lightnin' mood. Still nothing from Lucy. I expect her phone is out of credit. I'd offer to lend her some money but after giving mum the extra house-keeping and forking out on all that aloe vera ultra soft Andrex, I only had £8.13 to last me through the month. And I needed that for a Clearasil emergancy.
I asked Mum if, when she did go to the shops, she could get me some more of the fizzy yoghurt I'd had last week. I'd never had anything like it before; it was really tangy and zingy. She looked confused and said she hadn't bought any yoghurt for months. Crafty Mum! No wonder I'd found it hidden away right at the back of the fridge - she wanted it all for herself! I gave her a knowing smile and went to change into my green jumper with the leather elbow patches, to get me into a Greased Lightnin' mood. Still nothing from Lucy. I expect her phone is out of credit. I'd offer to lend her some money but after giving mum the extra house-keeping and forking out on all that aloe vera ultra soft Andrex, I only had £8.13 to last me through the month. And I needed that for a Clearasil emergancy.